107. Wedding Planning Q&A

Podcast, Weddings

Joe Rogers, founder of Contagious Events, is back on the podcast to answer audience questions about wedding planning – how to talk about money with your partner or family, how to identify priorities for the day, and how to identify the budget for your wedding. After over a decade of working with couples and navigating the ins and outs of wedding planning, Joe has noticed some things about the wedding industry that aren’t all flowers and lace and he is determined to improve the experience for couples. In this episode, he shares real examples to help you know what to expect as your navigate weddings, budgets and taboo conversations as part of the planning process. As a bonus, he also shares where couples tend to get the most sticker shock as well as what has changed in the industry post-pandemic.

089. Retirement Planning 101

Podcast, WTF is
Manisha Thakor, founder of MoneyZen, joins The 411k to change your financial life – because that’s what happens when you prioritize retirement planning in your twenties and thirties!

For those of us in our twenties and thirties now, we are the first generation that statistically speaking will likely spend more years in retirement than we did in the workforce. So it’s time we start preparing for our Golden Years! Manisha walks us through the retirement basics and encourages all of us to take control of the one thing we can control – when we start investing! How about now?